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After I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2018, my passion was ignited for writing about health care and health-related topics. Thankfully I am in remission, and I have written about anesthesiologists and their work, as well as patient rights and conditions such as hypothyroidism and breast cancer.

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Britta Mittal Stanford Anesthesia.jpg

I interviewed physicians for the annual Stanford Anesthesia magazine and wrote about their work in these profiles. It's amazing how you can tell a story in a short 350 or so words.

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Jai Madhok Stanford Anesthesia.png

Another way in which I told physicians' stories about their passion for medicine, their work and what led them to anesthesia and to Stanford University School of Medicine was through a Q&A format. Never underestimate the power of a simple Q&A to provide engaging insight into a person. Click here for story on Dr. Amran Asadi and here for one on Dr. Jai Madhok.

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I blog about breast cancer and my experiences with the disease at Topics include "Four reasons some breast cancer survivors are not fans of Breast Cancer Awareness Month," "Feeling said about going through chemo or radiation during the holiday season? Here's how to cope," and "Bernard Fisher, MD, challenged status quo to help save the lives of many affected by breast cancer." The goal is to inform and inspire breast cancer patients, survivors and thrivers.

Susan Lorimor Paloma Health hypothyroidi

I blogged about hypothyroidism for Paloma Health, a D2C company. See one of my posts here

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